well, not way too much happened this week - alot of tests and other stuff like that. It was a good week in that i learned alot, a good amount of it from kicks in the butt, but i'll take it from where i need it the most. Hockey was great as always - as well as indoor soccer with Jon.
it snowed like 5 inches today - very random. i knew it was coming but only because the weatherman in our hall told me about it - helpful guy.
Oh and two guys got their calls to Canada - one to Toronto, and the other guy got his to Vancouver so as soon as he gets back from chilling with his Fam, i'm gonna talk with him alot about that. Well, hope next week is more eventful so i can post something of significance -
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The week leading up to Easter - sports and a prank
Hey everybody,
this week started pretty normal - on Tuesday was hockey again and did better than i had been. Later that night had an indoor game with Jon, we won 2-1. I felt alot better about this game, though their goal i could have done better. Sounds more like a full-field soccer game than indoor (normally like 7 - 12). But i had alot of fun, and had two really good saves. i'll describe them to you because they felt great. the first was a full diving save from a guy that shot pretty far out - but it's old man indoor soccer and so the players move slow, but have hard shots. I reacted a little slow but was able to get across to my left side and deflected it with my left hand; as i fell i saw it hit the upper 90 and bounce back across the goal behind me to the right corner of the field. we were tied 1-1 at that point i think. then my other one was when the ball had bounced around close to my goal on the right side, and it ended up only like 7 feet away from me. I had a defender in front of me so i couldn't charge the player as he was winding up for the shot - so i just dove to the right behind my defender just before the guy shot and i blocked it with my right hand. To be honest it was probably one of the best saves i've ever made. we were up 2 - 1 at that point. so it was great to have a good game to help us win.
well enough bragging about stopping old men from scoring (big deal...), I played alot of pickup bball the rest of the week, as well as hockey on thursday which was goalie. i'm probably not going to play goalie anymore because i bruise/mess up my knees and they don't need any more beating than they get anyways. Friday was pretty cool - though i'll admit to everyone i didn't go to either of my two classes that day, slept in and decided to do other homework. it's ok though, they are the two ones that post the powerpoint or just talk about the same thing. watched alot of college basketball and later hung out with a girl i know at heritage.
Saturday was the happening day - had our first intramural bball tourney game. we lost but it's ok because we really weren't that good and i had some good plays in the game. no blocks though :`(
I hung with Mom and Rachel because they were in town - that was fun. Then later that day after Jordan and I got back from the tumble gym, we found our room in complete disarray - as in they guys had switched our sides of the room, like our stuff. it was pretty weird and really funny. i wanted to go to bed as it was but Jordan said he couldn't stand it so we put it all back. but luckily the guys taped and took pictures for alot of it: you'll recognize Bennett and Tanner from a past blog, and the tall skinny guy is Doug, the one with gelled black hair is Trammell, and the other guy with black hair is Chris. enjoy looking at our room getting turned upside down:
Chris and Trammell enjoying a moment
Here is the beginning of the whole thing - introduced by Trammell
this week started pretty normal - on Tuesday was hockey again and did better than i had been. Later that night had an indoor game with Jon, we won 2-1. I felt alot better about this game, though their goal i could have done better. Sounds more like a full-field soccer game than indoor (normally like 7 - 12). But i had alot of fun, and had two really good saves. i'll describe them to you because they felt great. the first was a full diving save from a guy that shot pretty far out - but it's old man indoor soccer and so the players move slow, but have hard shots. I reacted a little slow but was able to get across to my left side and deflected it with my left hand; as i fell i saw it hit the upper 90 and bounce back across the goal behind me to the right corner of the field. we were tied 1-1 at that point i think. then my other one was when the ball had bounced around close to my goal on the right side, and it ended up only like 7 feet away from me. I had a defender in front of me so i couldn't charge the player as he was winding up for the shot - so i just dove to the right behind my defender just before the guy shot and i blocked it with my right hand. To be honest it was probably one of the best saves i've ever made. we were up 2 - 1 at that point. so it was great to have a good game to help us win.
well enough bragging about stopping old men from scoring (big deal...), I played alot of pickup bball the rest of the week, as well as hockey on thursday which was goalie. i'm probably not going to play goalie anymore because i bruise/mess up my knees and they don't need any more beating than they get anyways. Friday was pretty cool - though i'll admit to everyone i didn't go to either of my two classes that day, slept in and decided to do other homework. it's ok though, they are the two ones that post the powerpoint or just talk about the same thing. watched alot of college basketball and later hung out with a girl i know at heritage.
Saturday was the happening day - had our first intramural bball tourney game. we lost but it's ok because we really weren't that good and i had some good plays in the game. no blocks though :`(
I hung with Mom and Rachel because they were in town - that was fun. Then later that day after Jordan and I got back from the tumble gym, we found our room in complete disarray - as in they guys had switched our sides of the room, like our stuff. it was pretty weird and really funny. i wanted to go to bed as it was but Jordan said he couldn't stand it so we put it all back. but luckily the guys taped and took pictures for alot of it: you'll recognize Bennett and Tanner from a past blog, and the tall skinny guy is Doug, the one with gelled black hair is Trammell, and the other guy with black hair is Chris. enjoy looking at our room getting turned upside down:
Here is the beginning of the whole thing - introduced by Trammell
Sunday, March 16, 2008
UM.. this week of business (well, busyness more like it)
Hey everyone, i don't think i have any pictures for this past week, sorry. It's hard when i don't have a camera and no one takes initiative to bring theirs...
Was a good start to the week though - such as launching water ballons at a couple totally making out or doing something on a picnic blanket just outside our dorms. bad idea - going at it right behind freshman dorms. dorms. so yeah that was great.
Hockey was only one day this week and it was eh... but still fun. oh i went to the BYU baseball game and that was way fun. the game went down to the 9th inning, where the UVU coach got thrown out and our pitcher struck out their big hitter with the bases loaded (when we were up by one run).
Took three tests over the week - Humanities, Survey of World Religions, and Book of Mormon, all of them midterms. I also had three assignments due over the course of the week. so yeah it was pretty busy... other than the few breaks for fun activities (baseball game for example)
Watched a movie on Thursday night with a bunch of people. edited version of The Shawshank Redemption - i liked it alot, i really did - but watch it edited for sure.
Oh and on Friday night i played capture the flag with lots of people in my ward. It was way fun - especially because i captured the last flag in a very sweet fashion. snuck around in some bushes and looked for the flag while hidden. saw it like 2 feet in front of me, was able to snatch it without them knowing, stowed it away in my pant leg, and they didn't even know i had it or it was gone until i pulled it out on my side. ohohoho i felt so cool, even though it was just a capture the flag game.
Saturday was an exhausting day; started with our Intramural bball game. i did well, but we lost. i was still happy though because i haven't done well in our games in the past, but i broke that record with at least 6 points (solid for me - including two free throws) some rebounds, prolly like 6 as well, and i think like three steals if i can remember right... at least two i think - but that's totally just speculation right now. so even without a block i felt great about it. then after that, i played indoor calle soccer with jon for like 3 hours in which jon and i carried most of the playing burden (we were on a team of keepers and not-competitive soccer players), especially Jon. i felt bad because he had an intramural soccer game before playing in our bball game, and then calle where he ran much more than me. so yeah - it was fun too especially when we beat one of the "best" teams who was playing. hehe.
excited for this upcoming week - hope i can make it the best so far, and also have pictures for you guys next time...
Was a good start to the week though - such as launching water ballons at a couple totally making out or doing something on a picnic blanket just outside our dorms. bad idea - going at it right behind freshman dorms. dorms. so yeah that was great.
Hockey was only one day this week and it was eh... but still fun. oh i went to the BYU baseball game and that was way fun. the game went down to the 9th inning, where the UVU coach got thrown out and our pitcher struck out their big hitter with the bases loaded (when we were up by one run).
Took three tests over the week - Humanities, Survey of World Religions, and Book of Mormon, all of them midterms. I also had three assignments due over the course of the week. so yeah it was pretty busy... other than the few breaks for fun activities (baseball game for example)
Watched a movie on Thursday night with a bunch of people. edited version of The Shawshank Redemption - i liked it alot, i really did - but watch it edited for sure.
Oh and on Friday night i played capture the flag with lots of people in my ward. It was way fun - especially because i captured the last flag in a very sweet fashion. snuck around in some bushes and looked for the flag while hidden. saw it like 2 feet in front of me, was able to snatch it without them knowing, stowed it away in my pant leg, and they didn't even know i had it or it was gone until i pulled it out on my side. ohohoho i felt so cool, even though it was just a capture the flag game.
Saturday was an exhausting day; started with our Intramural bball game. i did well, but we lost. i was still happy though because i haven't done well in our games in the past, but i broke that record with at least 6 points (solid for me - including two free throws) some rebounds, prolly like 6 as well, and i think like three steals if i can remember right... at least two i think - but that's totally just speculation right now. so even without a block i felt great about it. then after that, i played indoor calle soccer with jon for like 3 hours in which jon and i carried most of the playing burden (we were on a team of keepers and not-competitive soccer players), especially Jon. i felt bad because he had an intramural soccer game before playing in our bball game, and then calle where he ran much more than me. so yeah - it was fun too especially when we beat one of the "best" teams who was playing. hehe.
excited for this upcoming week - hope i can make it the best so far, and also have pictures for you guys next time...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
About Last week... written this week
it was a pretty cool week last week... Hockey was fun - I did goalie (with the hockey rink's equipment) and i am ok when i have good pads. I also am starting to really feel natural on skates and it feels really good. I also watched the movie "Hero" with Jet Li for the second time ever - and i liked it just as much as last time; this much: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| which is alot. Oh and i'll give a picture i got of Jordan and i fooling around in the Cannon Center - those 12 pnut bars were all connected so i just took them all! we ate most of them, but it took determination, courage, and a little bit of dishonesty (we snuck two out).

Monday, March 3, 2008
The Week of Leap year and the beginning of March!
This last week was a very eventful one - probably mostly because BYU soccer tryouts time again (alot of waking up 6:30 a.m. and earlier...) like i said in my earlier post, i went to the Jazz game (see previous post for details). Then Thursday started the tryouts (5:30 is when i woke up...) i did ok, but i didn't even make it past the first cut. Once again though, i feel like that was the best choice; i had all of the rest of my senior year/summer after not straight up making the team last March to work on my game... and i didn't, then i had more motivation in the fall when practicing with the team, but i didn't. So i basically am not very good anymore, but at least the blame falls completely on me. We'll see how easily I'll let go of my dream though...

but Saturday was pretty eventful:
I went to like a floor date thing the girls put on, which was pretty fun - basically just chilling together really. We then had an intramural basketball game (Jordan, and my team - Jon is on it too), we had 9 and the other team only had 5 players, so we beat them pretty easily. but mostly i was happy to score (I'd been on a scoring drought, more accurately a shooting drought) as well as got a block - which always makes me feel good about a game. Then there was a birthday party/dance at a girl in the ward's like relatives house. It was a "shorts" party (I've heard because the guys who's birthday it was are all really short) and so when i happened to be at DI with Harry, Jordan, and Mack D, i bought some basically booty shorts (see pic). It was a really fun party, and i danced it up with my short shorts, bow tie, knee-high socks, and my sneakers. (you can kindof see the end of my shorts in the pic, just imagine where they are in relation to my thigh... hehe...)

Oh and then when we got back we found that someone had been able to get into our room and take our mattresses, chairs, our desk drawer (the whole thing), and our underwear. This was after we had just pranked some other guys by taking their chairs, pillows, food/cupboard that has all their food, their socks, and their drawers. So we knew who did it, and decided to stick it to them and pretend like nothing happened. So come night time, they felt bad because they still had our mattresses, and we just ignored them. Jordan slept on some couch cushions, and i just got alot of blankets and my comforter. I slept pretty well for on a bed frame, and we still have the upper hand on poor old Bennett and Tanner. I'll give some pics that show personality of the two: Tanner is the blond one w/ the jean jacket in the power stance. Bennett is the black haired fellow who's picture needs no explanation. Then the next one is me in Chris's (another guy in the hall) black stretchy suit about to be slapped by Tanner.

This last week was a very eventful one - probably mostly because BYU soccer tryouts time again (alot of waking up 6:30 a.m. and earlier...) like i said in my earlier post, i went to the Jazz game (see previous post for details). Then Thursday started the tryouts (5:30 is when i woke up...) i did ok, but i didn't even make it past the first cut. Once again though, i feel like that was the best choice; i had all of the rest of my senior year/summer after not straight up making the team last March to work on my game... and i didn't, then i had more motivation in the fall when practicing with the team, but i didn't. So i basically am not very good anymore, but at least the blame falls completely on me. We'll see how easily I'll let go of my dream though...

but Saturday was pretty eventful:
I went to like a floor date thing the girls put on, which was pretty fun - basically just chilling together really. We then had an intramural basketball game (Jordan, and my team - Jon is on it too), we had 9 and the other team only had 5 players, so we beat them pretty easily. but mostly i was happy to score (I'd been on a scoring drought, more accurately a shooting drought) as well as got a block - which always makes me feel good about a game. Then there was a birthday party/dance at a girl in the ward's like relatives house. It was a "shorts" party (I've heard because the guys who's birthday it was are all really short) and so when i happened to be at DI with Harry, Jordan, and Mack D, i bought some basically booty shorts (see pic). It was a really fun party, and i danced it up with my short shorts, bow tie, knee-high socks, and my sneakers. (you can kindof see the end of my shorts in the pic, just imagine where they are in relation to my thigh... hehe...)

Oh and then when we got back we found that someone had been able to get into our room and take our mattresses, chairs, our desk drawer (the whole thing), and our underwear. This was after we had just pranked some other guys by taking their chairs, pillows, food/cupboard that has all their food, their socks, and their drawers. So we knew who did it, and decided to stick it to them and pretend like nothing happened. So come night time, they felt bad because they still had our mattresses, and we just ignored them. Jordan slept on some couch cushions, and i just got alot of blankets and my comforter. I slept pretty well for on a bed frame, and we still have the upper hand on poor old Bennett and Tanner. I'll give some pics that show personality of the two: Tanner is the blond one w/ the jean jacket in the power stance. Bennett is the black haired fellow who's picture needs no explanation. Then the next one is me in Chris's (another guy in the hall) black stretchy suit about to be slapped by Tanner.

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