Wednesday, June 10, 2009

From Mom: May 11, 2009

Dear Elder Hoopes,

It was so great to hear your voice yesterday! Your voice is getting deeper; it must be all the leg muscles you're building riding your bike! It was fun to hear you talking with Jon and Karene. I was just pondering that you are fortunate to have 3 older siblings who have already served missions. Because of it you have a lot more support in terms of letters and care packages from them because they are so aware of how much they mean to a missionary. It sounds as if your area is doing great, and the Spirit is really touching the hearts of many of the people there. The Lord is good to us to let us share in His joy , and their joy, when people turn to Him, and discover His love and their purpose. Happiness is...being a missionary :) (It's a ‘70s thing.)

We are doing great. Rachel is still coughing and short of breath, but feeling much better. Dad goes in tomorrow to get a cancer spot removed from his forehead; it's benign, but growing and needs to be removed before it becomes something worse. He should have been wearing a hat whenever he was in the sun! I suppose missionaries can't wear hats, eh? Hilde is doing great. She seems to have adjusted to her blindness, although she still bumps into things pretty regularly. When we go out for our walks every day, she likes to run the first mile or so. I think she likes the security of being able to run on leash where she knows I won't let her collide with anything.

I'm doing great. Seminary is still my top priority each day, and will be for 3 more weeks until school is out. We just started Revelations, and it has some pretty interesting stuff in it. It is the summary of the history of the world with an emphasis on this final dispensation. It illustrates through symbolic prophecy the battle between good and evil. Even Hollywood has cashed in on the struggle between good and evil, because when it is all said and done, that conflict is the only compelling one. Well, go out wearing the whole armor of God and face the world,

Love you forever,

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